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Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits to my clients?

We have built an up-to-date database of any and all recall reports on household appliances you might see in your home inspections. We check your reported appliances against our database to see if there are any outstanding recalls. If you report an affected unit, we issue a report including the nature of the recall, where the product was sold, and how to remedy the defect including how to get the item repaired or replaced absolutely FREE. We even give your client the numbers of who to call and the hours they are open.

Won't my clients get notice of a recall on their appliance?

Most do not. Recalls follow the purchaser of the appliance. Even then the purchaser will only be notified of a recall if that product was registered. This is a valuable tool for every home buyer.

Why do agents like RecallChek?

RecallChek is an added value to each and every real estate transaction. If there is a recall within the home, it would be beneficial to both parties to get that item repaired or replaced for free. You will be reducing everyone's liability, and stopping potential fire hazards that can get fixed for FREE.

Isn't there product recall information on the internet?

Yes. Recalled product information is public record. However, it is very time consuming and frustrating to use the tools provided by the CPSC. Also, if you do not have 100% accurate information, these tools will not find the recall. Our database is designed to be error proof. If you have a hard time reading a number or letter, do not worry about it. Our database will pull any matching and like numbers or letters- taking all the worry and liability out of the process.

What happens after I send a recall check to you?

Within 48 hours after you email, fax, or submit on, both you and your client will be emailed a professional RecallChek report. This report will be complete with your company logo. Once you submit the form to us, it is completely hands off for you. Just sit back, relax and watch your profits increase!

How do I sign up for this service on all my home inspections?

Go to, click sign up and you are on your way to becoming a RecallChek dealer. There is absolutely no set up fee. We have designed this program with you, the Home Inspector, in mind. We want to help your business and profits grow.

How hard is it to sell RecallChek? What does it take to implement?

Inspectors are selling RecallChek on 40% of their appointments when they offer it as an additional service, while others are finding it very easy to justify a price increase simply by including RecallChek with their full home inspections. Implementation is effortless, and our staff does most of the work for you. It takes less than 5 minutes on-site to complete a RecallChek report.

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